Cosmic Drive (Album)

Deephouse Jul 26, 2024

I created the Cosmic Drive album during the months of May - November 2023. It was a hectic period when my partner and I were dealing with the existence of our company and my subsequent hospitalization in addition to everyday joys and worries (track Appendix). The album contains a total of 9 songs, each of which is my personal statement. In each song, I left a piece of myself. The album is tuned to deeper tones, and the bass line will challenge your hi-fi system. It is very melancholic, and it may seem sad to someone, but it is not entirely so. It just tries to keep the mind focused. Therefore, it is suitable to listen to it as a whole during activities where you can think on a larger scale, such as fitness, programming, graphics, artistic activities, and more.

If you like clubby, dirty, and uncompromising sound at 117-124 BPM, deep, tech, minimal, you will definitely enjoy it.

I am convinced that listening to it will inspire you, and you will find a solution to the problem you are currently working on.

SK: Album Cosmic Drive bol vytvorený v priebehu mesiacov máj - november 2023. V hektickom období, keď som spoločne s mojou polovičkou okrem každodenných radostí a starostí riešil aj existenciu našej firmy a moju následnú hospitalizáciu v nemocnici (track Apendix). Obsahuje celkom 9 skladieb. Každá je mojou osobnou výpoveďou. V každej som nechal kúsok seba. Je ladený do hlbších tónov - basová linka dá zabrať vášmu hi-fi aparátu. Je veľmi melancholický, niekomu sa môže zdať že je smutný, ale nie je to celkom tak. Snaží sa len udržať myseľ sústredenú. Preto je vhodné ho počúvať ako celok pri činnostiach, kde viete premýšľať škálovane. Fitness, programovanie, grafika, umelecká činnosť a iné.

Pokiaľ máte radi klubový, špinavý a nekompromisný zvuk pri 117-124 BPM, deep, tech, minimal, určite sa neurazíte.

Som presvedčený že Vás jeho počúvanie inšpiruje a nájdete riešenie problému pre to, na čom práve pracujete.


EarsDeep Records

Meditation takes various forms. For me, it's making music. I've been making electronic music since 2013, and it's mainly the true deephouse style. In 2023 I started my own label "EarsDeep Records", where together with my producer friends we release what we like the most. Hopefully you will like it too :)