Artifical Space by Dubdeliquent

dub Aug 01, 2024

The concept of Artificial Space
Track is inspired by the power of humanity, which has been creating an intelligent space around itself for millennia. This space serves to connect communication networks that unite humanity into a single organism. It represents a symbiosis between technology and society, where information and communication seamlessly intertwine, allowing us to better understand the world and collaborate more effectively. This concept opens up new possibilities and creates space for innovation and progress

The song “Extraterrestrial Biological Entity” delves into the exploration of the universe and the search for extraterrestrial civilizations. It poses the question: Are we alone in the cosmos? This track inspires us to contemplate our place in the infinite universe and seek answers to these mysterious questions

The concept of the Holographic Universe explores the idea that our perceived universe might be a 2D projection from a deeper, multi-dimensional space. According to this theory, we could be akin to holograms existing on the surface of an infinitely distant horizon. This concept raises questions about the nature of reality, information, and the boundaries of our understanding. It’s a fascinating idea that prompts us to contemplate the deeper layers of the cosmos and our existence

The track** “How does the universe work?**” delves into the question of how the universe functions and why it exists at all. This track inspires us to contemplate the nature of the universe, its laws, and our role within it.


EarsDeep Records

Meditation takes various forms. For me, it's making music. I've been making electronic music since 2013, and it's mainly the true deephouse style. In 2023 I started my own label "EarsDeep Records", where together with my producer friends we release what we like the most. Hopefully you will like it too :)